FGOS preschool is aimed at achieving one of the main goals of modern preschool education - ensuring equality of opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education, including children with disabilities and solving one of the main tasks - protecting and strengthening children's physical and mental health, including their emotional well-being. [4]
The content of modern inclusive preschool education is aimed not only at the correction of developmental disabilities, but also at the socialization of students with disabilities. Children with a TPR are a special category of children who have disorders of all components of speech with hearing and primary preserved intellect. Children with a speech disorders are children with aphasia, dyslalia, rhinolalia, alalia, mild dysarthria, general underdevelopment of speech at all levels of speech development, etc. [5]
As research shows, the causes of speech disorders are anatomical and physiological disorders of the central or peripheral system of the child's body. They are usually associated with CNS lesions, vascular disorders of the child or neurophysical trauma. Many preschoolers with a speech disorders are combined with disorders of the respiratory and motor spheres.
During corrective work with children who have speech disorders, it is necessary to combine both traditional forms, methods and technologies of speech correction and health-saving technologies. This synergy is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of the children with speech disorders, the development of the motor sphere, as well as the formation of independent, coherent grammatically correct speech and communication skills.
Health-saving technology is a structural component of any pedagogical culture that forms the conditions for the preservation of students' health. At the same time, the variety of directions and factors of such technologies implies a combined activity of each of the subjects of the educational process: medical personnel, teaching staff, parents. Application of health-saving technologies in the work helps to improve the effectiveness of the educational process, to form the values of teachers, children and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening health.
The main task of the implementation of health-saving technologies is the organization of the educational space at all levels, in which quality training, development, education of children is not accompanied by damage to their health. By methods of health-saving educational technologies of education we mean the ways of applying the means to solve the problems of pedagogy of health. In general, the method of teaching is an orderly activity of the teacher, aimed at achieving a given goal of training. Two types of methods are used in health-saving educational technology training: specific (characteristic only of the process of pedagogy of wellness) and general methods (used in all cases of training and education).
In the structure of the method there are techniques as an integral part, a separate step in the implementation of the method. The techniques can be classified as follows:
· protective-preventive (personal hygiene and learning hygiene);
· compensatory-neutralizing (gymnastics, health-improving, finger, corrective, breathing, etc. gymnastics, therapeutic physical training; massage: self-massage;
· psychogymnastics, training, allowing for partial neutralization of stressful situations);
· stimulating (elements of hardening, physical activity, methods of psychotherapy, phytotherapy, etc.);
· informational and educational (letters addressed to parents, students and teachers).
The formation of the child's active speech begins with the development of finger movements, when they reach a certain accuracy, while the development of finger motor skills prepares the ground for the subsequent formation of speech. Research scientists (M. M. Koltsova, E. I. Isenina, B. Antakova-Fomina, etc. ) have confirmed and substantiated the connection between speech and finger motor skills. There is a close relationship and interdependence of speech and motor activity. In the presence of a preschool child with speech disorders, it is necessary to form and develop fine motor skills. The formed hand motor skills have a beneficial effect not only on the development of expressive children's speech, but also on the correction of their defects. Regular exercises in the development of motor skills of the fingers are, according to scientists, "a powerful means of increasing the efficiency of the brain"[1, p. 50].
What do finger games and exercises give a child?
1. In the joint activity of an adult with a child, finger games create a favorable emotional background of communication, form impresive speech, encourage speech activity of a preschooler.
2. When doing fun finger movements, the child inductively conducts an impulse of excitation of the speech centers of the brain and sharp intensified activity of the speech zones, which, stimulates the development of expressive speech.
3. The child develops concentration of attention.
4. Performing a variety of finger games and exercises preschooler, uttering nursery rhymes and poems, therefore, his speech is developing, becomes clear, beautiful, rhythmic and develops self-control for the movements performed.
5. The child develops mnemic processes.
6. The preschooler develops processes of imagination [2, p. 27].
Correctional activities for the development of hands are carried out systematically, for 3-5 minutes repeatedly, in kindergarten and at home:
· games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are included in all corrective activities of the teacher-speech therapist: frontal, subgroup and individual - and in joint organized educational activities of educators, specialists of ECE and children with speech disorders;
· finger games are used in the routine moments and on walks;
· finger gymnastics is performed in conjunction with articulation gymnastics by educators during the speech therapy hour, as well as at home with parents on the individual assignment of a speech therapist.
Teachers select finger exercises in accordance with the lexical topic of the week, for example, such exercises as "Flags" and "Ball" are used for the topic "Toys"; "Horse", "Dog", "Cat", "Goat" are used for the topic "Pets".
The kinesiological correction serves as a means of preventing overcoming the TPR and strengthening the physical and mental health of the child. In addition, kinesiological exercises improve attention, memory, spatial representations, increase work capacity, reduce fatigue, activate cognitive processes and increase the ability to control, as well as develop fine motor skills [1, p. 40]. Kinesiological exercises are used not only at speech therapy classes, at organized educational activities, but also at the speech therapy hour "The Ring", "The Wizard", "Naughty Language", "The Ear-Nose".
Articulation exercises - health-saving technology, necessary for the development of complete movements of the organs of articulation and the formation of certain patterns of articulation organs, needed for proper sound pronunciation. This health-saving technology should be carried out daily so that the skills formed in the child will be fixed. Articulation exercises include exercises for training the lips, tongue, soft palate and lower jaw [2, p. 39]. Articulation exercises should be in the form of a game, to create an emotional background and support the interest of children in speech therapy classes is used didactic toy "Behemoth Juja. The toy has clearly marked articulating organs: teeth, tongue, jaws. Putting the toy on your hand, you can "control" the mouth and tongue of Juja. The toy is also used both in speech therapy classes and in children's free, theatrical games [6, p. 10].
Breathing exercises - this is one of the health-saving technologies that are included in every speech therapy lesson, as a prerequisite for the formation of correct pronunciation and mastering the phonetic system of the Russian language. A breathing pause, following an exhalation, provides effective gas exchange and lung ventilation. The duration of pauses depends on the magnitude of the physical load and the state of the nervous system. Delayed breathing, which leads to oxygen "starvation" and increased fatigue must be avoided. At the first stage of correctional activity, a teacher - speech therapist forms correct speech breathing in individual speech therapy sessions through special breathing exercises: "Butterflies", "Blizzard", "Strong Wind", "Blow Dandelion" "Smell Good", and educators and parents reinforce.
Hydrogymnastics [1, p. 63] is a technology which is used in individual speech therapy classes to correct pronunciation. In a container with warm water the child rolls, rolls, shifts various objects, such as a rubber massage ball, marbles, a ring-massager, small figurines of the Kinder toy collection, saying the speech material for a given sound.
Self-Massage Hands.
Japanese scientist Namikoshi Tokuhiro believes that massage of each finger positively affects the child's health, hand work contributes to mental calmness, prevents the development of fatigue in the brain centers and contributes to a calming effect [1, p. 82]. At the organized educational activities teachers use self-massage of hands with preschoolers with speech disorders. Children perform self-massage of fingers, starting with the thumb and up to the little finger. First, they rub the pad, and then slowly go up to the base, saying rhyming verses. Self-massage is conducted with walnuts, multifaceted pencils, and massage prickly balls.
One effective health-preserving technology for the development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the child is Su-Jok exercises. The research of South Korean scientist Park Jae-Woo, who developed this technology, substantiates the mutual influence of certain parts of our body according to the principle of similarity (similarity of the shape of the ear with a human embryo, of the hands and feet with the human body). Therefore, by identifying the right points in the systems of similarity, it is possible to develop the child's speech sphere and improve health. The main advantages of Su-Jok exercises:
· when used correctly - high effectiveness;
· safety of use - when stimulating the active points, it leads to positive results;
· improper handling of the Su-Jok ball and the elastic ring does not harm the child - it is simply ineffective [1, p. 48].
Su-Jok exercises are used in subgroup remedial and developmental classes, and during the speech therapy hour, children are very excited to use Su-Jok balls and elastic rings. Preschoolers tell a nursery rhyme and do exercises with the ball "In the clearing," "Hedgehog," "Ball" and others.
Logorhythmics is a health-saving technology that is based on a system of movement exercises, where different movements are combined with the pronunciation of special speech material with musical accompaniment to correct severe speech disorders and the formation of healthy development of preschool children. From the scientific point of view logorhythmics develops general motor skills, a sense of rhythm, develops correct posture, coordination accuracy, speech development, it is a source of pleasure and positive emotions [3, p. 12].Logorhythmic activities are conducted within the unified theme of the week of the compensatory orientation group for preschoolers with a speech impairment. The following logorhythmic exercises are used in the lessons: "Walk in the woods", "Leshkin Maple", "In the Garden", "Raspberry", "Skilful Hands", Forest Dwellers" and others.
Thus, health-saving technologies play an important role in the formation of health of children with disabilities, they ensure the development of motor skills and promote social adaptation. Health-saving activities should be used in conjunction with traditional speech therapy methods and techniques to overcome severe speech disorders in preschool children with disabilities. The use of health-saving technologies in the work makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, to form value orientations for teachers, children and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening health.
Библиографическая ссылка
Емельянова О.И. ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ЗДОРОВЬЕСБЕРЕГАЮЩИХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ В КОРРЕКЦИИ ТЯЖЕЛЫХ НАРУШЕНИЙ РЕЧИ У ДЕТЕЙ С ОГРАНИЧЕННЫМИ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЯМИ // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2023. – № 2. ;URL: https://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=21249 (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).