Motor transport (motor truck) depots are intended to perform passenger and cargo transportation. Motor truck depots are responsible for servicing passenger routes, charging / discharging operations, forwarding and warehousing services, and intermodal transshipment. To perform these functions motor depots have land territories, warehouses and storage facilities, cargo handling facilities (especially autoloaders and cranes), passengers terminals, access ways to railway, sea and air transport, garages and workshops for technical maintenance, and a qualified personnel.
Depot performance management is implemented by four main areas: finance, technical guidance, safe traffic control and cargo forwarding and transportation service. The last three departments serve special attention. Technical guidance of the truck depot is headed by the chief engineer. His department is responsible for technical servicing and maintenance of vehicles, including monitoring and supervision for adherence to technical specifications. Safe traffic control department is submitted straightly to general director of the depot. Safe traffic control department is in charge of drivers training and their suitability for occupation, co-ordination and regulation of routes, interaction with traffic inspection, and etc. Cargo forwarding and transportation service is the most complex structure in the depot. The main function of cargo forwarding and transportation service is to deliver cargoes to the ultimate customer. This function is the part of logistics itself and that is why it is closely connected with the latter.
Библиографическая ссылка
Бобровский К.П., Першина Е.Ю. УПРАВЛЕНИЕ РАБОТОЙ В АВТОТРАНСПОРТНЫХ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯХ // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2016. – № 4-5. ;URL: (дата обращения: 16.09.2024).