Сетевое издание
Международный студенческий научный вестник
ISSN 2409-529X


Кривенко Т.И. 1
1 Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет
1. Vlasova T.M. Phonetic rhythmics: A teacher's manual / T.M. Vlasova. – M.: Humanit. ed. center "VLADOS", 1996. – 240 p..
2. Vorobyova V.K. Formation of coherent speech of students with motor alalia/ V.K. Vorobyova. – M.: Znanie, 1986. – 155 р.
3. Yeletskaya O.V. Features of non–speech processes in schoolchildren with writing disorders / O.V. Yeletskaya, A.A. Tarakanova, A.V. Shchukin. - M.: National Book Center, 2017. – 288 p. Корнев А.Н. Нарушение чтения и письма у детей / А.Н. Корнев. – СПб.: Речь, 2003. – 330 с.
4. Kornev A.N. Nodal issues of dyslexia / A.N. Kornev // Defectology. - 2007. – No. 1. – 66 p.Левина Р.Е. Развитие речи у детей 5-7 лет с общим недоразвитием речи (ОНР) / Р.Е. Левина. – М. : Владос, 2016. – 49 с.
5. Nishcheva N.V. An approximate adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech disorders (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years / N.V. Nishcheva. – St. Petersburg : DETSTVO-PRESS, 2015. - 245 p.
6. Filicheva T.B. Children with general speech underdevelopment. Education and training / T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova. M.: "GNOME and D Publishing house", 2000. – 128 p.
7. Chirkina G.V. Modern trends in the study of dyslexia in children / G.V. Chirkina, A.N. Kornev // Defectology. - 2005. – No. 1. – pp. 89-91.


Successive functions are a system of distinguishing, memorizing and reproducing temporal and spatial sequences, verbal stimuli, actions, symbols, sound rhythms, images presented in a certain sequence.

A significant component of the formation of a child's cognitive processes is considered to be the formation of successive functions, which are understood as the ability to distinguish, remember, reproduce operations related to temporal and spatial order. The inconsistency of the formation and correction of successive functions in children with speech tasks strongly demands an interdisciplinary alignment, as a result, it is presented in neuropsychological, psycholinguistic and methodological qualities in the research works of O.V. Yeletskaya, A.N. Korneva, L.A. Wenger, S.S. Mukhina, A.M. Gorchakova, etc. authors [3].

A significant component of the formation of a child's cognitive processes is considered to be the formation of successive functions, which are understood as the ability to distinguish, remember, reproduce operations related to temporal and spatial order. The inconsistency of the formation and correction of successive functions in children with speech tasks strongly demands an interdisciplinary alignment, as a result, it is presented in neuropsychological, psycholinguistic and methodological qualities in the research works of O.V. Yeletskaya, A.N. Korneva, L.A. Wenger, S.S. Mukhina, A.M. Gorchakova, etc. the authors O.V. Yeletskaya assesses the processes of succession as a synthesis of the highest psychological functions, such as perception, memory, thinking, which are the active basis for the formation of writing, reading and writing abilities. The studies of O.V. Yeletskaya, A.N. Korneva recognize that non-compliance with successive processes negatively affects the formation of writing and school abilities. Disadvantages of successive functions in younger adolescents with dysgraphy are present when playing graphic and sound rhythms, the sequence of images, cumulative and articulatory movements, and also when automating speech lines. O.V. Yeletskaya, A.A. Tarakanova, A.V. Shchukin argue that the process of developing reading skills includes a period of successive recognition of individual letters, with which a transition from discrete to simultaneous recognition of syllables and texts as integral units is possible. This means that the lack of formation of the succession process may be a prerequisite for a delay in a simple syllabic reading method for children [3].

In real time, the impact of successive processes on the formation of written speech has been perfectly studied. In the research works

of A.N. Kornev, it is shown, in fact, that non-compliance with successive functions leads to difficulties in the formation of the abilities of writing and reading in children with cumulative speech underdevelopment, which is actually considered a prerequisite for the formation of dysgraphy and dyslexia. In the research works of scientists, the role of successive processes in mastering the abilities of writing and counting by adolescents has been noted [5].

The development of functional prerequisites that determine the readiness to master the skills of independent writing in preschoolers with speech disorders is determined not only by the degree of speech underdevelopment, but also by the state of higher mental processes.

Specially organized timely comprehensive pedagogical work, including a survey of successive processes in preschoolers, can contribute to the timely and motivated mastery of older preschoolers by building an independent written-speech utterance.

Successive processes are usually considered as a synthesis of several highest psychological functions, such as perception, memory, thinking, an active basis for the formation of oral and written speech, reading and writing abilities. The writing process is normally performed on the basis of the necessary importance of the formation of specific speech and non-speech functions: auditory differentiation of sounds, their correct pronunciation, sound analysis and synthesis, the formation of the lexico-grammatical side of speech, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, sequential functions (sequence functions).

The problem of the significance of succession in the neuropsychological aspect. Neuropsychological studies have approved the main theory of A.R. Luria that difficult psychological work is guaranteed by the integrative work of the whole brain. Two leading types of synthetic work of the cerebral cortex were identified. The first picture is reproduced in the union of individual stimuli reaching the brain into simultaneous (continuous) spatial groups. The second picture of synthetic cortical work is the grouping of individual stimuli that enter the brain in turn into serially sanctioned, intermittent rows. It is confirmed that the posterolobial parts of the left hemisphere provide a successive motor function of speech processes.

From the point of view of A.N. Kornev, violations of successive functions lead to difficulties in the formation of writing and reading skills in dysarthria, which is a factor for the appearance of dysgraphy, dyslexia and acalculia in children. It is noted that the insufficient formation of coherent monological speech in dysarthria may be due, in particular, to the impossibility of serial programming processes, difficulties in converting simultaneous processes into successive ones, lack of ability to hold the action program, violation of the operations of deploying coherent utterance..

The development of successive abilities is one of the links of work to prevent violations of the assimilation of writing and reading skills, including the development of the functions of row formation, auditory‒speech memory for time sequences, reproduction and discrimination of rhythms.

To date, the most developed are the phonetic rhythmics of T.M. Vlasova and the speech therapy rhythmics of G.A. Volkova. Numerous interanalytical connections, which are formed with the organizing role of the movement, form the basis for more complex operations [1].

In the program of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina "Preparation for school of children with general speech underdevelopment in a special kindergarten", successive functions are formed systematically [8; 9].

In the first period of this program, attention is paid to teaching the ability to consistently reproduce automated series of days of the week, autumn months, to make proposals for pictures and a series of pictures based on the proposed plan. In the second period, attention is paid to the consolidation of automated series: seasons, months, days of the week; training in the ability to establish age differences between people, the ability to analyze and synthesize words from five sounds. In the third period, the sequence of days of the week, months, time relations is fixed, the ability to conduct a complete sound analysis of words such as: grass, plum, mask, bowl, car is improved.

Throughout all three periods of training, the educator fixes such successive functions as the ability to reproduce the sequence of a series of movements based on the material of coordination of speech with movement, the ability to reproduce automated series.

It is important to include exercises and games on the formation of successive functions in the frontal and subgroup classes of a speech therapist, educators and for working with parents. It is necessary to start with exercises, relying as much as possible on all preserved analyzers, work should be carried out in all four directions. As the exercises of the first stage are successfully completed, it is gradually recommended to move on to the next stage.

N.V. Nischeva in the "Approximate adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech disorders (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years old" included tasks on working on the formation of all sides of speech and paid attention to the formation, including, and successive functions [7].

The purpose of the provided program is considered to be the construction of a system of work in groups in a compensating and combined direction for children with severe speech disorders (general speech underdevelopment) aged 3 to 7 years, providing for the perfect integration of the actions of specialists of preschool educational institutions and parents of preschoolers. Work planning in all educational fields provides for the peculiarities of speech and general development of children with difficult speech pathology. The content of the program is determined in accordance with the principles of taking into account the personalities and patterns of speech formation of children in the criteria of ontogenesis and dysotogenesis; a scientifically based idea of the structure of the deficiency, methods and techniques of corrective action; consistency and continuity of correctional and pedagogical work with children of senior preschool age; the complexity of correctional work to overcome the violation of the experience of word formation, which for children with disabilities acquire special significance: from simple to complex, systematic, accessibility and repeatability of the material. Thus, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive measures for the formation of successive functions.

Библиографическая ссылка

Кривенко Т.И. ПОНЯТИЕ И ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ СУКЦЕССИВНЫХ ФУНКЦИЙ У ДОШКОЛЬНИКОВ С ОБЩИМ НЕДОРАЗВИТИЕМ РЕЧИ // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2023. – № 2. ;
URL: https://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=21251 (дата обращения: 16.01.2025).

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