Сетевое издание
Международный студенческий научный вестник
ISSN 2409-529X


Усманов С.Б. 1 Смирнова В.В. 1
1 Воронежский институт МВД России

We live in the century of globalization where every country wants to be the most improved no matter in the sphere of economics, politics, military or education.

After getting the Independence the Republic of Uzbekistan has worked out an own model of development, taking into account the specific social and political traditions in the country. One of the most important conditions for the development of any country is a well functioning educational system.

In foreign language education, an important arena can be established for the development of cultural understanding, respect and tolerance. Knowledge of English has become essential in more and more fields of life, and it has become increasingly important for all parts of the worldwide population. Nowadays in our Republic a great attention is being paid to broadcasting of the English language. Earlier English has been taught from the fifth grade in most secondary schools of Uzbekistan, whereas now a decree on further development of foreign languages teaching was issued on 10 December 2012 concerning teaching of this language from the first grade of all secondary schools and even from the kindergarten.

The decree runs that in the framework of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About education" and the National Programme on training of people in the country. During the years of independence, there were prepared over 51.7 thousand foreign language teachers, created multimedia tutorials in English, German and French for grades 5-11 of secondary schools, electronic resources for learning English in primary school, equipped with more than 5000 language laboratories in secondary schools, professional colleges and academic lyceums. Further development of a continuum of learning foreign languages at all levels of education and work to improve the skills of teachers and the provision of modern teaching materials is required.

No doubt that to get success in any activity means to have a strong desire to do it. One famous man said " ...." We absolutely agree with his point of view and would like to share some ideas on the problem "How to increase motivation to learn English".

English has always been a trend. English is needed everywhere - this is the main motivation for each person. Motivation is regarded as an influential element in the success of any activity. It plays a crucial role in achieving the desired goals. If a person has the motivation to learn English, learning will go much easier and faster.

Firstly, English-speaking people motivate to learn language; I mean, when you listen to the group of people communicating with each other in English that do motivates you to learn the language, it is interesting to know what the group of strangers speaking about and you try to speak like them freely.

Secondly, if you know foreign language you can feel free to travel; because you will be sure that you are able to communicate or ask foreigners to help to find your destination, to chat with them and to impress them with your broad-minded outlook.

Thirdly, you can get an education abroad; if your English is good enough, it is possible to study abroad on top institutions of the world, to learn about new culture, way of life, people, to feel new emotions of being a foreigner and to look at the outside world differently.

Fourthly, with knowledge of the language, you can get more interesting and well-paid job; for example, you know that in a month you have an interview in English for an excellent position of your dream in an international company. You really want to get this place. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be missing lessons, not doing homework, being late to the classes and so on. Of course, you will run to classes and learn English in any spare time.

One more important thing in my opinion is to enjoy your success and not to forget to praise yourself. Some people have a small problem that hinders the successful learning of the language: they focus on their mistakes, and the desire to learn English gradually fades away, and the motivation turns into anti-motivation. Get rid of such thoughts. Learn to notice your progress. Let it be slow, it is even not bad: what comes quickly, goes away quickly. Learn English at your own pace.

To see how much you have advanced, put the gained knowledge into practice, this greatly increases motivation. How to do it? Read the book in English, understand a song, watch an interesting movie, get an answer to a computer problem, exchange e-mails with a native speaker, etc.: as soon as you manage to do it, the “second breath” will open, and you will learn the language with new forces. The more you use English, the more you want to use it. This is great, because using English is learning English.

Библиографическая ссылка

Усманов С.Б., Смирнова В.В. THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING ENGLISH AND SOME WAYS OF INCREASNG MOTINATION // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2020. – № 2. ;
URL: https://eduherald.ru/ru/article/view?id=20047 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024).

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