The reforms, carried out in Russia and China by the governments of these countries at the turn of XX-XXI centuries [1], have contributed to the expansion of trade and economic relations between the two great powers. But the effectiveness of intercultural communication depends not only on the recipient's knowledge of the language, but on the knowledge of his/her cultural peculiarities [2]. One ofthem is the regulations of business letter execution, which are characterized by the features on the lexical and syntactic levels. The main lexicalfeature of business letters is the usage of a variety of clichés typical of business correspondence (for example ЗаранееблагодаримВас – 预致谢意). In addition to the cliché, in business documents theyoften use bookishvocabulary (ПолучитьВашфаксдлянасбольшаячесть, спасибо. – 能收到您的传真我们深表荣幸,谢谢您!).In the business correspondence it is not allowed to use abusive and substandard vocabulary, colloquialisms and jargon. In a business letter the existence of such language gives the text a shade of familiarity that is totally unacceptable from the point of view of business etiquette. It can be viewed by the addressee as author’s lack of education and may affect goodwill of the originator of the text.Moreover, business letters are completely devoid of any emotion and are characterized by a complete lack of means of expression. The syntax of business letters is characterized by the use of simple sentences with homogeneous members and a number of complex sentences which slightly surpasses the number of simplesentences withoutsecondary elements(ЕслиВысогласны с этимиизменениями, просимдатьнамзнать. – 如果您同意这样的修改,请回函告知。). Thus, the vocabulary of business writing, as well as the complexity of syntactic structures, is due to the well-established rules and traditions of the official style of speech. At the same time, the composite structure of letters is a nationally-specific feature. Russia and China, as you know, have a long history and rich cultural traditions [3], so it is safe to assume that it is culture that defines the rules of conduct and etiquette in business today.
Библиографическая ссылка
Morkvin D.V., Galperin M.S. UNIVERSAL IN RUSSIAN AND CHINESE BUSINESS LETTERS // Международный студенческий научный вестник. – 2015. – № 4-4. ;URL: (дата обращения: 12.09.2024).